Integrating music in the day to day classroom management and curriculum at the kindergarten.
Course Price
350 euros
Course length
35 Hours
Maria Demosthenous
Maria Demosthenous is a graduate of Music Department in Aristotele University of Thessaloniki and she has a diploma in piano performance. She has also a Master Degree on Leadership and Managememt in Education from CIIM. She has attended many workshops, conferences and seminars on Music Education and Piano Teaching. Further she is a certified Kodaly educator with a specialization in Early Childhood Music.
With more than 15 years teaching experience in both private and public sector in classrooms, private and group teaching, she offers adults training courses in the field of music Education, in Cyprus and abroad.
In 2018 she has founded A.MUS.ED with the vision of offering quality music education in Cyprus.
About the course
This course is designed for educators who teach babies, toddlers and preschoolers and want to engage more music making in their daily routine.
The course will take place in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus. During the course there will be some visits in schools. The transportation expenses are included in the fees.
To experience the importance of music making
To learn practical techniques that can easily be applied in a group of young children
To provide theoretical and empirical experiences in Early Childhood Music Teaching
To enhance the Teacher's musicality that will empower them to use music in their daily routine
To learn how a music lesson can be set up
To create a network for future projects
A variety of methods will be implemented in order to give both theoretical and practical support to the teachers. The participants will have the opportunity to participate in lectures, workshops, team activities, case studies and visits to real classes in order to have an integrated training.
Getting to know each another: Ice-breaking activities
Lecture: Theories behind the importance of music making in early childhood
Practical seminar: Breathing techniques
Warm ups and tuning of our voice
Improving our listening skill through singing in choir
Lecture: Introduction to great musician pedagogues (Kodaly, Dalcroze, Orff, Suzuki)
Practical workshop on Kodaly, Orff and Dalcroze pedagogues.
Visits to kindergartens to observe music lessons in action
Discussion on observations
Lecture: How to set up a lesson plan
Variety of songs that can be used
Props and activities that can be used in a music lesson
Practical seminar: Team work to prepare music lessons for different themes.
Presentation of the lesson plans
Practical seminar: How we choose the appropriate songs for the each age
How we set up a school music show
Practical workshop: Children's choir: Warm up activities for preschool children choir
How we teach songs
How do we contact a children's choir
Award ceremony
Dates of courses 2021
22 -26 February
12 - 16 April
14 - 18 June
27 September - 1 October
22 - 26 November